
Introducing `oclif init` command

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Thanks to the contribution of @joshcanhelp we released a new command for the oclif CLI called oclif init in version 4.8.0

The oclif init command allows you to initialize oclif in an existing project directory by adding the bare minimum requirements: a few pieces of configuration, bin scripts, and a couple of dependencies (@oclif/core and ts-node). This is slightly different from oclif generate, which will create an entirely new oclif project based on our templates.

oclif init will add the following:

  • bin scripts: bin/run.js, bin/run.cmd, bin/dev.js, and bin/dev.cmd
  • oclif section to package.json with bin, dirname, commands, and topicSeparator set (See Configuring Your CLI for more)
  • @oclif/core to dependencies in your package.json (if it's not already there)
  • ts-node to devDependencies in your package.json (if it's not already there)

Once you've initialized oclif, you can use the bin scripts to execute your CLI. You can also use the other oclif commands like oclif generate command and oclif generate hook to start adding new functionality.

oclif init demo

❯ oclif init --help
Initialize a new oclif CLI

$ oclif init [--bin <value>] [--module-type ESM|CommonJS] [--package-manager npm|yarn|pnpm] [--topic-separator
colons|spaces] [-d <value>] [-y]

-d, --output-dir=<value> Directory to initialize the CLI in.
-y, --yes Use defaults for all prompts. Individual flags will override defaults.
--bin=<value> Supply answer for prompt: Command bin name the CLI will export
--module-type=<option> Supply answer for prompt: Select a module type
<options: ESM|CommonJS>
--package-manager=<option> Supply answer for prompt: Select a package manager
<options: npm|yarn|pnpm>
--topic-separator=<option> Supply answer for prompt: Select a topic separator
<options: colons|spaces>

Initialize a new oclif CLI

This will add the necessary oclif bin files, add oclif config to package.json, and install @oclif/core and ts-node.

Initialize a new CLI in the current directory

$ oclif init

Initialize a new CLI in a different directory

$ oclif init --output-dir "/path/to/existing/project"

Supply answers for specific prompts

$ oclif init --topic-separator colons --bin mycli

Hope you enjoy the new command! If you come across any issues or have any new ideas for this command, head over to the oclif/oclif repo and open a new issue.

All our best,

The oclif team

oclif 2024 春季更新

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Hello oclif developers! It's been a while since we last uploaded a blog - and a lot has happened.

We've been focusing on these high-level areas over the past couple of years:

  • Improving @oclif/core
  • ESM Support
  • Improving and revitalizing oclif.io
  • Re-engaging the oclif community

Improving @oclif/core

Since we announced @oclif/core over three years ago, we've released two new major versions, each packed with lots of features that we're really excited about.

Here are some of these changes:

  • Full support for ESM and interoperability with CommonJS (more on this topic below).
  • Configurable command discovery strategies that give you more control over how commands are loaded at runtime. Check out the docs.
  • A new preparse hook that allows you to manipulate the provided arguments before they're parsed. Salesforce used this hook to implement a neat --flags-dir feature that translates local files into flags.
  • A new Performance class that you can use to track performance inside of @oclif/core and your own CLI or plugin. Check out the docs.
  • A new flag type, Flags.option, that lets you define a flag with a preset list of options. Typescript then uses the options to infer the flag's type.
  • Flags now have a relationship property that allows you to define more complex relationships between flags. Check out the flags docs for more information.
  • Flags now have a defaultHelp property that allows you to set the human readable default value in the command help. This property is useful when your flag's parse method returns a complex type, such as an object or a class. Check out the flags docs for more.
  • Commands now have a hiddenAliases property that allows you to define aliases that you want to hide from the user. The property is super helpful when you're trying to wean users off a deprecated command.
  • You can now use bun or tsx as dev runtimes (as opposed to node or ts-node).
  • A command's usage, args, and flags are now shown whenever a user forgets to provide a required arg or flag, or when they provided a non-existent flag.

If you need help migrating to the latest version, head over to core's README which has links to the migration guides. Feel free to open a new discussion if you need more hands-on help from us or the community.

ESM Support

Version 3 of @oclif/core introduced full support for developing ESM plugins and CLIs. It also offered full support for interoperability between CommonJS and ESM plugins.

Put more simply, you can now migrate your CLI to ESM while keeping individual plugins in CommonJS (or vice versa). The upgrade path is now much simpler for you. You also don't need to worry about any community plugins that have migrated to ESM before you did (such as all the @oclif plugins) or are staunchly sticking with CommonJS for the foreseeable future.

Read more about this topic here.

Improving and Revitalizing oclif.io

Another area of focus for us has been improving our documentation site, oclif.io.

While improving the quality and accuracy of the documentation was our priority, we also took the time to upgrade to the latest version of docusaurus. This new version gave our site a much-needed facelift, as well as cool new features such as dark mode and announcements.

If you have any feedback or are running into issues, we want to hear about it. Just create an issue in the oclif.io repo.

Re-engaging the oclif Community

Lastly, our biggest priority at the moment is to re-engage the oclif community. We understand how frustrating it has been over the years to see your issues and pull requests go unacknowledged. We apologize for not prioritizing the community, and are earnestly trying to make sure that every issue and pull request gets the attention it deserves going forward.

We also opened up GitHub discussions for @oclif/core and the oclif CLI, where you can now post your questions or ideas. We hope you take advantage of them, we love hearing from you!

One last thing: we intend to publicly post our roadmap so you have more visibility into what we're working on. Stay tuned!

All our best,

The oclif team

发布 oclif v2!

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Hello and happy new year! It's our great pleasure to announce that we have released oclif v2, which uses the new @oclif/core library! 🎉

oclif v2 includes many changes that improve the experience of both creating and using an oclif CLI.

Going forward, we don't plan to make any updates to oclif v1 and its corresponding libraries, except for critical security fixes. See the compatibility matrix for a list of these libraries. In order to give developers time to migrate from v1 to v2, we're not completely dropping support yet. But at some point in the future we'll archive the v1 repositories and deprecate their versions on npm.

What’s changing?

Repository Changes

All repositories under the oclif org now use main as their primary branch and oclif-v1 as the legacy branch. The main branch corresponds to oclif v2 and the oclif-v1 branch to oclif v1. If you find any repos that don’t have a main branch, you can safely assume that they're not used in oclif v2 and will be deprecated in the future.

Consolidating Tools & Libraries

The oclif-dev CLI has now been incorporated into oclif. You now no longer need to install a separate package to manage your entire CLI’s lifecycle.

The following libraries have been consolidated under @oclif/core and will be deprecated at some point in the future. Read the migration guide to learn how to update your CLI or plugin to use the new core library.

  • @oclif/command
  • @oclif/config
  • @oclif/error
  • @oclif/help
  • @oclif/parser

No more single vs multi command CLIs

There's only one "type" of oclif v2 CLI, but it can have as few or as many commands as a developer wants. As a result, there’s only one command to generate CLIs, oclif generate, as opposed to the old oclif single and oclif multi commands.

Node > 12

To ensure oclif CLIs are as secure as possible, all v2 libraries and plugins support only Node 12 or higher as of now. Going forward, they'll support only Node Maintenance or higher, as defined by Node's release schedule here: https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/.

What’s new?

New example CLI

oclif-hello-world is our new example repo. This is also the repo that's used as a template when running oclif generate to create a new CLI. This repo will always be able to be referenced as an example of what an oclif v2 CLI should look like.

Spaced commands

oclif CLIs can now use spaces, instead of colons, to separate topics and subcommands. To enable this feature, simply add “topicSeparator": " " to the oclif config in your package.json. See an example in our example repo.

// Old commands that use :
$ mycli do:something
// New spaced commands
$ mycli do something

Note: Spaced commands are backwards compatible. So if you enable spaced commands for your CLI, users will still be able to use : as a separator. This ensures that any existing scripts don't break.

New Help Output

We’ve revamped the way command help is outputted to the terminal, making it both easier to implement and easier to read. See the difference between the old help output on the left and the new help output on the right in the screenshots below.

oclif v1oclif v2

Notice that there are new sections for flags and global flags, examples are displayed with better spacing, and there is a section at the bottom called Configuration Variables. This Configuration Variables section is not part of the new help by default. But we've added support for custom help sections, which is what the sf CLI uses to create the new section.

Async Command Parsing

We’ve also improved the performance of new CLIs by rewriting how commands are parsed on initialization. The new parser is asynchronous, which makes CLIs with a lot of commands or installed plugins much faster.

What’s coming next?

Part of our charter for the release of oclif v2 includes improving our engagement with the oclif community. We know that over the past couple of years we’ve reduced our involvement, and a lot of issues and PRs have languished in limbo. Hopefully you’ve already seen increased activity and responses from oclif maintainers recently, but if you haven’t, please don’t hesitate to ping us by tagging @admins in oclif repos.

We also want to start interviewing members of the oclif community to acquire feedback and prioritize the features and fixes you deem most important!


The oclif team

Reference material

Migration Guide

This guide explains how to upgrade a CLI or plugin from the old oclif v1 libraries to the new @oclif/core library that oclif v2 uses.


Compatibility Matrix

The following matrix shows how the v1 libraries and plugins relate to the new v2 ones. Use this matrix as a guide to know what to drop and which versions to switch when upgrading your plugins and CLIs to v2.

oclif "v1"oclif "v2"
Utility CLIsoclif@<2
Main packages@oclif/command
Node LTSNode v8-14Node v12+ (at time of writing)
Main plugins@oclif/plugin-autocomplete@<1

介绍 @oclif/core

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We hope this blog post finds you well.


We are excited to announce the next iteration of the oclif project today: @oclif/core.

We have learned a lot in the last three years of developing oclif, developing on oclif and supporting millions of command runs a day via Heroku and Salesforce CLIs. @oclif/core ("Core") simplifies the oclif development experience and introduces highly requested new features.

Core combines the essential oclif packages into one "core" package, aptly named @oclif/core.

Core also introduces:

  • A default command option
  • Colon or space command syntax
  • Async command parsing
  • Command piping to arguments

With the introduction of default command functionality, Core simplifies the oclif project and removes the notion of single or multi command CLIs. Core CLIs can have 1 or many commands.

Along with Core, we moved the oclif-dev CLI into the oclif CLI creating a single "utility" CLI. This CLI also introduces a new AWS S3 compatible publishing scheme.

What to expect in the near future

Core is in pre-release beta and being actively developed for new internal Salesforce CLIs.

Much documentation needs to be written in the coming months including migration paths. Migration onto Core should be as painless as possible with many exports remaining entirely unchanged. Look for forthcoming blog posts and documentation on oclif.io.

Early this summer, tentively June 1, we will release Core v1. Core's release will coincide with major bumps to many other oclif plugin packages. See the compatibility matrix below.

At Core's v1 release, the current "main" oclif packages (namely: command, config, errors & parser) will go into maintenance mode until Jan 2022. They will receive only bug and security fixes and they remain compatible with current versions of the oclif and oclif-dev CLIs. Afterwhich, they will be archived.

Companioning Core, the next major release of the oclif CLI (literally oclif@2) will generate Core CLIs.

Going forward

We are excited to release Core! We invite you to poke around the Core repo. It may appear to be a big change but Core keeps what you already enjoy about oclif while reducing development complexity, project dependencies, package coupling and bundle size and introduces many requested features previously too prickly to weave into the current oclif architecture.


The oclif team

Reference: Compatibility matrix

oclif "v1"oclif "Core"
Utility CLIsoclif@<2
Main packages@oclif/core@<2
Node LTSNode v8-14Node v12+
Main plugins@oclif/plugin-autocomplete@<1

oclif 2020 夏季更新

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Hello oclif developers! We hope you are all doing well.

Earlier this year, we started our planning for oclifconf v2 and, like all conference, had to change course. We opted not to hold a virtual conference, however, we wanted to take some time to highlight a few oclif features shipped this year.

Feature: Help templating

One of the most requested features, help templating enables oclif developers to customize the help output for their CLI.

Read the announcement.

Feature: Custom error delegation

This feature both improved how oclif throws and handles errors and allows oclif developers to overwrite or interject in oclif’s error handling.

Read the announcement.

Feature: postrun hooks

We have added a new lifecycle event postrun. Your CLI can now run a hook after a command has ran.

See our hook documentation.

Feature: Root index command

Previously, oclif would display CLI help if only the binary name with no command ID was invoked, oclif now supports a "root index" command. If present, a command defined at src/commands/index.ts will be run if no command ID is found.

1 million weekly downloads

While exact oclif usage metrics are hard to pin down, we use npm download statistics of oclif packages as a rough approximation. Earlier this year, oclif's command package hit 1 million weekly downloads for the first time!

This year has been presented its challenges on everyone. We want to thank you, oclif developers, whom have taken the time to use and improve the oclif project. We look forward to seeing you all - in person - in the future!

All our best,

The oclif team


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Often CLIs are used as handy tools and when things go wrong it’s useful to have additional context. In oclif we have added a couple of additional properties that can show extra context to the users when an error is displayed. The code, ref and suggestions will now be displayed if they are included. This will work with an existing oclif CLI by adding the latest @oclif/errors and @oclif/core to the CLI's package.json dependencies.

For example, using this.error with the additional properties:

class TestError extends Command {
async run() {
this.error("An error has occurred!", {
code: "OCLIF_ERR",
ref: "https://oclif.io/docs/commands#thiserrormessage-string--error-options-code-string-exit-number",
suggestions: ["Use these extra properties to provide additional context"],

would result with the following output:

›   Error: An error has occurred!
› Try this: Use these extra properties to provide additional context
› Reference: https://oclif.io/docs/commands#thiserrormessage-string--error-options-code-string-exit-number

If these properties are not provided then nothing changes and the CLI will continue to display the single error message output as it did before. Additionally, as part of this exercise we’ve added documentation around Error Handling in oclif which should come in handy if the need arises to extend oclif’s default handling of errors.

在 oclif 中自定义帮助

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Out of the box oclif provides a great help experience for CLIs.

But what if, as an oclif developer, you want to customize some or all of the output?

You can now customize your CLI's help output by implementing the HelpBase abstract class.

Getting started with custom help

If you have not done so yet, update @oclif/core.

$ yarn add --latest @oclif/core

To get started, first define the filepath to your help class in oclif's config in package.json. This is a relative path to the help class, without a file extension.

For this example, the help class will be created in a file at "[project root]/src/help.ts".

// ...
"oclif": {
"helpClass": "./lib/help"
// ...
// ...

From here there are two paths, implement the HelpBase abstract class yourself or overwrite the parts of the default Help class you want to customize (ex: how command usage is displayed). We recommend the latter approach but cover both in the new Help Classes docs.

Separating TOPICS & COMMANDS in the new default Help class

Previously, topics and child commands were listed in help output under a single list heading called "COMMANDS". But we found this can be slightly confusing. Some topics are commands also (a.k.a. topic-commands) while others are simply organizational namespacing (and when ran just show their help).

The new default Help class splits the list of children into distinct lists of "TOPICS" and "COMMANDS", with the possibility of an item appearing in both if it a topic-command. This makes it clearer what is expected to be ran - "COMMANDS" - and what is providing structure - "TOPICS" - when looking at the help output.

plugin-help-example/0.0.0 darwin-x64 node-v12.12.0

$ plugin-help-example [COMMAND]

topic this is a topic and has child topics or commands

hello describe the command here
help display help for plugin-help-example

We look forward to seeing what custom help features you implement in your oclif CLIs with this new feature!

oclif 从 TSLint 到 ESLint 的迁移

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Back in February of this year, plans were announced to deprecate TSLint in favor of ESLint. TSLint's goal has become to work toward a “unified developer experience” by supporting ESLint development going forward.

What has changed in oclif

To keep inline with the community, oclif has transitioned to ESLint for all our core libraries as well as all our official plugins.

Starting in v1.15.x, oclif will now optionally generate projects with ESLint for both TypeScript and JavaScript CLI’s.

ESLint does require Node to be on stable LTS version, at the time of writing, Node 8.10.x, Node 10.13.x & Node 12.x.x.

How does this affect you

Existing CLI’s are unchanged, but any newly generated CLI's will only give the option of using ESLint. If you are running tslint in your CLI, we recommend you switch to ESLint as well.

In migrating our projects we took the following steps (for an example of these changes see this pull request).

  1. Install eslint

    $ yarn add eslint eslint-config-oclif eslint-config-oclif-typescript --dev

  2. Add eslint related files

$ echo '{
"extends": [
"rules": {
}' > .eslintrc
  1. Remove tslint and related packages

    $ yarn remove @oclif/tslint tslint

  2. Remove tslint related configuration files

    $ rm tslint.json

  3. Change lint script in our package.json from something like:

    "lint": "tsc -p test --noEmit && tslint -p test -t stylish"


    "lint": "eslint . --ext .ts --config .eslintrc"

To preserve the test compile (tsc -p test --noEmit) we also made the following updates to our scripts:

"pretest": "tsc -p test --noEmit"

In some cases we had our posttest duplicating the same steps as our lint script so it’s cleaner to have it reference the lint job directly with:

"posttest": "yarn lint"

  1. Run yarn lint --fix. This attempts to auto-fix any linting violations automatically. In the case an auto-fix isn’t available it should be fixed manually or ignored (see the eslint configuration doc for more information)
  2. Do a search in the codebase for tslint and remove any unnecessary tslint disabling comments, like:
/* tslint:disable:object-literal-sort-keys */

If you are on a version of Node that is not supported by ESLint, you will also need to update your Node engine. ESLint supports Node 8, 10, and 12 so you should upgrade to the most recent Node version compatible with your CLI and also supported by ESLint (see ESLint's Installation and Usage instructions).

When will this take effect

These changes have taken effect in oclif v1.15.1. When you generate a new CLI or plugin it will now contain configuration for ESLint instead of TSLint.

oclif 的 Current Node 版本支持

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To maintain a healthy project trajectory, oclif follows and supports Node Active LTS release, currently Node 10 & Node 12. This means ensuring that oclif continues to play nice with coming Active LTS Node versions and other packages in the ecosystem. Moving forward also means leaving older versions behind. Starting in 2020, Node will stop maintaining Node 8 and it is our intent at that time to also follow suit. Let’s take a look at a few ways we will be supporting these changes.

CI Environments

CLIs created with the oclif cli going forward will be generated with a CircleCI configuration with Node 10 & 12 and an Appveyor configuration using Node 10. We have also added Node latest to CircleCi to be an early warning detection against coming Node changes (Node latest is managed by CircleCI).

We have already updated every oclif repo's CI configs to reflect this.

If your existing CLI uses either Appveyor or CircleCI you can update your config files also, like so:


Your CircleCI config should contain a node-latest job, aliased as test. From this, there should be two extensions of this job for the Active LTS Node versions, Node 10 and Node 12.

<<: *node-latest
- image: node:10
<<: *node-latest
- image: node:12

Notice that these declarations only change the Docker Node images used to run that job.

Additionally, the jobs listed within workflows must also be updated to reflect our changes in configuration:

- node-latest
- node-10
- node-12


For appveyor we are currently only testing the oldest Active LTS Node version, Node 10. Update the nodejs_version proppert in your appveyor.yml file to reflect this.

nodejs_version: "10"

Deprecating Node 8 & Updating packge.json engines

In Jan 2020, Node will end its Node 8 maintenance. We will follow suit by setting the package.json engine property in oclif packages to >=10 and bumping the package's major versions.

Depending on how you ship your CLI you may wish to also bump the engines version in your CLI's package.json. You can read more about the implications of the engines property configuration in the npm documentation.

Also consider distributing your CLI with its own Node version.

Packaged Node Version

When using dev-cli to pack your CLI it will use the Node version as specified in your package.json under the oclif.update.node.version property. This value should reflect an Active LTS Node version (dev-cli does not currently enforce versions).

Supporting the future

As a community we may discover bumps along the way as we upgrade. If you notice something related to oclif please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request under the relevant oclif package within the org.

We look forward to using the latest from Node and the community and keeping oclif healthy along the way.

oclifconf 2019: 扼要重述

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In May, Heroku and Salesforce Open Source organized oclifconf, a conference for developers & product managers building CLI tools on top of the open source oclif framework. The speakers came from various tech companies, such as Adobe, Netlify, and Apollo, who have already built amazing CLI experiences. The topics covered everything from the incredible capabilities oclif has unlocked, to the community-built plugins extending its functionality, and even what the behavior of an adaptive CLI tool might look like.

Below is a listing of all of the talks from the event, along with a short summary. Enjoy!

The future of oclif by Jeff Dickey

In its relatively short lifetime, oclif has already inspired many developers and companies to adopt its framework as a means for implementing their own command-line tooling. In this talk, Jeff Dickey, an oclif founding team member, recaps the project's history and inspiration. He also looks towards the future and outlines some features and improvements that the tool could adapt. This isn't so much a definitive roadmap of where oclif is headed, but rather, a call to inspiration for developers eager to contribute! And if you are interested in contributing, check out the open issues in the oclif GitHub repo and come say "Hello!" on Spectrum Chat.

Open Source Citizenship by Josh Simmons

When it comes to open source, it's more than just individuals now. More and more frequently, large corporations are contributing to projects by donating to contributors, sponsoring events, or upstreaming contributions. But keeping open source projects and communities healthy requires more than just money and brainpower. Josh Simmons surveyed multiple open source communities and relays his findings as to what help maintainers and contributors actually need in this talk.

Building an enterprise-grade CLI with oclif by Thomas Dvornik

Security and performance are all about trust. While oclif is an extremely extensible framework for building CLI tooling, there are additional requirements to fulfill for enterprise businesses to adopt it that might not be necessary for individual developers. Thomas Dvornik outlines what he and his colleagues at Salesforce have implemented as plugins to oclif to satisfy these needs, including encrypted OAuth, plugin signing, lazy loading dependencies, synchronizing weekly releases and deprecations across dozens of repositories, and establishing cross-team coding and documentation standards.

How Adobe I/O built an extensible CLI with oclif by Jesse MacFadyen

Perhaps oclif's most appealing feature is its support for plugins. In Cordova's case, they've created a sophisticated telemetry system that helps Adobe developers see which commands users are using--and reports on which ones are erroring out. By embedding a feedback system into the tool, users are even able to quickly send their suggestions to a form, without ever leaving the terminal. Jesse MacFadyen demonstrates how oclif's plugin system can work beyond simply executing commands.

Integrating oclif with GraphQL and Apollo by Evans Hauser

For Evans Hauser and the team at Apollo, oclif is best thought of as "React for the CLI." As a client paired with a strongly-typed API contract to a server, it can deliver structured and consistent commands to retrieve external data. What better mechanism to use for this transfer than GraphQL, a framework which empowers the client to ask precisely for the data it needs, and nothing more?

Adaptive Intent-based CLI State Machines by Shawn Wang

In designing oclif, Jeff Dickey wrote out 12 CLI factors to keep in mind. In this talk, Shawn Wang outlines a 13th: state. State is hard, because it depends on context, and context depends on understanding what a user intends to do, not what they are asking. Shawn is working towards enabling oclif to better understand the commands a user has entered, so that it can predict and interpret future commands that might be entered next. This would enable CLI tools to not just interpret a users' commands, but to also interpret their intent.